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Paso Doble

Paso Doble

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Promenade FIRSTGATE click&buy
1,00 €
Promenade, Lady's Turn FIRSTGATE click&buy
1,50 €
Separation FIRSTGATE click&buy
1,50 €
Reverse Turn 0,- €
Grand Circle 0,- €
Coup de Pique 0,- €
Sixteen 0,- €
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The Style
In the bullfight, one expects of the gentleman, the Torero, pride, determination and elegance, of the lady, when Capa, distance, mobility and speed. All steps are carried out with tension of the total musculature. Only so the short and fast movements typical for this dance and the controlled poses can be danced. The clearly structured choreography is purported by the Spanish, Flamenco-like march.

The Rhythm
Paso Doble is danced in 2/4-time in the rhythm slow-slow. The speed varies between 60 and 62 beats per minute, in tournament dance of 62 beats per minute.

Past and Present

Paso Doble is the dance-like interpretation of a Spanish bullfight. The Gentleman plays the torero and the Lady personifies the red scarf, called muleta or capa (Spanish) and cape (English) respectively. Gent and Lady jointly dance around an imaginary bull, interpreting the movements of Flamenco and bullfight in an arena. Paso Doble was choreographed in Paris in the twenties and got its French figure names from there.

Literal translated "Paso Doble" means "double step", a vivid Spanish couple dance with simple figures at marching music. From 1910 Paso Doble in a stylised form was spread in several European and Latin American countries, whose music is enriched with elements of Fandango and Flamenco.

The most popular piece of music is "Der Herr Torero" written by Maria Andergast and Hans Lang in the twenties and the present-day Paso Doble "Espana Cani".